Ensino Lusófona in the World
An education and research project for all the countries where Portuguese is spoken.
In the pursuit of its mission, the Ensino Lusófona project has been growing and consolidating, affirming its presence in 5 countries located in 3 geographical areas.
Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias (ULHT)
Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias, as University, was founded in 1998 and its core mission is to contribute by its teaching and research activities to the scientific, cultural, economic and social development of Portugal and of all the countries where Portuguese is spoken. To pursue these goals, the University undertakes training, research and service delivery activities in a broad range of fields of knowledge that are relevant to society, while constantly and actively seeking to be a valid, indispensable partner to all those which, like it, believe that high training and knowledge are the main drivers of our society’s development and progress.
Universidade Lusófona do Porto (ULP)
Universidade Lusófona do Porto started its activity in 2005. It takes as the first and foremost purpose of its educational action the academic-professional qualification and promotion of its students, always striving to meet the requirements of quality, relevance to the labour market and current events, in view of the advancements made possible by science and technology with a view to building a fairer, more equitable and compassionate society.
Instituto Superior Manuel Teixeira Gomes (ISMAT)
Instituto Superior Manuel Teixeira Gomes started its activity in 2004. It is part of the national system of non-integrated university education. Its main goals are to provide higher education in the different fields of knowledge, to carry out scientific and technological research, and to deliver services to the community, from a perspective of mutual enhancement, with a special focus on Portuguese-speaking peoples and the sub-region where it is located.
Instituto Politécnico da Lusofonia (IPLUSO)
IPLUSO started its activities in 2019. Its creation marks a crucial moment in the development of the Ensino Lusófona project, but also in the consolidation and development of the polytechnic higher education in Portugal. IPLUSO is an ambitious project, which aims at creating a large renowned polytechnic institute which, albeit located in Lisbon, may pursue its activities in the whole of Portugal as well as all Portuguese-speaking countries.
Instituto Politécnico de Gestão e Tecnologia (ISLA-IPGT)
ISLA-IPGT is a higher education institute founded in 1989. It carries out its work from a local and regional perspective, without neglecting national and international opportunities. Its goal is to be a renowned institution in polytechnic higher education in Portugal. Its mission involves the development of teaching based on skills acquisition, scientific and technological research, and the provision of services to the community, contributing to professional, social and cultural qualification of the parties involved.
Instituto Superior de Gestão e Administração de Santarém (ISLA Santarém)
ISLA-Santarém started its activity in 1984. It is a polytechnic institute directed at teaching, guided research and the provision of services in the fields of management and administration. By articulating study, teaching, research and social promotion, it integrates the life of society, pursuing its activity, particularly mindful of the cultural, scientific and technical development of the Santarém region.
Instituto Superior D. Dinis (ISDOM)
ISDOM - Instituto Superior D. Dinis in Marinha Grande is a non-integrated polytechnic higher education institution. It began its activity in 2005 and its prime goal is to provide polytechnic education in the fields of technology, the arts, accounting, administration and management. ISDOM’s scientific project rests on vectors directed at scientific training, both in the field of manufacturing technologies especially related to the Marinha Grande and Leiria region.
Latin America
Faculdade Lusófona Rio De Janeiro
Faculdade Lusófona, founded in 2000, represents the evolution of Colégio Paraíso, which, assuming its entrepreneurial vocation, imbued with social and business responsibility, shouldered the risks of providing the São Gonçalo community with the opportunity to build up the skills and competencies required by the dynamics of the labour world. The creation of Faculdade Lusófona was inspired by the present-day society that lives the paradigm of speed, of change represented by the dazzling and continuous creation of new knowledge.
Faculdade Lusófona São Paulo
Faculdade Lusófona was founded in 2000. Its mission is to generate and disseminate knowledge while fostering integral education, with a view to training fully qualified, happy, creative professionals who will look after social wellbeing and take into account the imperative of environmental preservation. Therefore, the professional educated at Faculdade Lusófona is expected to acquire the necessary skills to formulate, systematize and socialize a broad range of knowledge in the different fields, through teaching, incentive to research and outreach programmes, indissociably articulated, who in this way will cease being mere observers of reality to become transforming agents of society.
Faculdade Lusófona Bahia
Faculdade Lusófona was founded in 2000, and is committed to the quality of life, social prominence, solidarity, good service, competence, respect for oneself, others and all forms of life. Its priority is the development of a modern pedagogic project, with competent and qualified lecturers, who promote learning using a technologically advanced infrastructure.

Isupekuikui 2 - Instituto Superior Politécnico De Humanidades E Tecnologias
ISUPEKUIKUI 2 was founded in 2011. By its teaching, university outreach and research activities, it aims to contribute to the scientific, cultural, economic and social development as well as the qualification of top executives in Angola, particularly in the Huambo Province.
Universidade Lusófona de Cabo Verde - Baltasar Lopes Da Silva
In 2007, Universidade Lusófona de Cabo Verde, in the City of Mindelo, was founded, and in 2015 the Praia Organic Unit was created. Universidade Lusófona de Cabo is an institution dedicated to the creation, transmission, critique and dissemination of culture and science. Its goal is teaching, research and service provision in the different fields of science, culture and technology, from an interdisciplinary perspective, aiming in particular at the development of the Portuguese-speaking countries and peoples.
Universidade Lusófona Da Guiné-Bissau
Universidade Lusófona Guiné was created in 2008 and its mission is to foster higher education in all areas of knowledge. Universidade Lusófona Guiné has a commitment to the quality of life, social prominence, solidarity, good service, expertise, respect for oneself, others and all forms of life. Its priority is the development of a modern pedagogic project, with competent and qualified lecturers, who foster learning using a technologically advanced infrastructure with a view to the development of the Portuguese-speaking countries and peoples.